Interaction of inheritance with property functions

Luís Marques luis at
Fri Jun 8 01:07:17 UTC 2018

I had something like this:

class Bits
     int width()
         return _width;

     void width(int _width)
         this._width = _width;

     int _width;

class Bool : Bits
     // make sure a Boolean is always 1 bit
     override int width()
         assert(_width == 1);
         return _width;

I was surprised that I could not do this:

B b = new B;
b.width = 42;

Instead, I had to do this:

B b = new B;
(cast(Bits) b).width = 42;

Or I had to add a redundant setter function to Bool.

Shouldn't the property functions' resolution logic take into 
account the inherited functions? I had assumed that was the case 
(and I was confused by misleading error messages), and that seems 
like the more intuitive semantics to me.

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