Any comments about the new Ruby JIT Compiler

Anton Fediushin fediushin.anton at
Wed Jun 13 10:07:03 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 08:21:45 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 
> The compilation is done by using the C compiler in the 
> background.
> Could D be an better choice for that purpose?
> Any comment?

Good news for Ruby community, I guess. IIRC jRuby had JIT for a 
while know and was beating the reference implementation in almost 
every test. I wonder how is it now?

Too bad they released it now and not, you know, five to seven 
years ago when ruby was really popular.

D is always a better choice. Somebody, tell them about DasBetterC.

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