import std.traits. std.string;

Neia Neutuladh neia at
Mon Jun 18 04:32:17 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 06:43:25 UTC, Meta wrote:
> On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 00:24:42 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:
>> space is ignored! Seems like a bug std . traits . std . string 
>> is valid?
> Like most C-family languages, D is a freeform language[1]. 
> Funnily enough, I don't think this is explicitly stated in the 
> D spec (at least not that I could find). It's just assumed, 
> because D is an evolution of C, C++, and Java primarily, all of 
> which are freeform languages.

 From the Language → Lexical docs:

"The lexical analysis is independent of the syntax parsing and 
the semantic analysis. The lexical analyzer splits the source 
text up into tokens. The lexical grammar describes the syntax of 
those tokens."

"The source text is decoded from its source representation into 
Unicode Characters. The Characters are further divided into: 
WhiteSpace, EndOfLine, Comments, SpecialTokenSequences, Tokens, 
all followed by EndOfFile."

So a source file contains a number of things, some of them 
tokens. The tokenizer produces a series of tokens from it. The 
parser deals with those tokens. This doesn't state that 
whitespace is ignored; instead, it says that the language only 
pays attention to tokens (and, by implication, not whitespace, or 
comments, or the end of the file, etc).

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