D community's view on syntactic sugar

Kamil Koczurek koczurekk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 21:44:12 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 02:44:04 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> * The null conditional operator `?.`
> It's been discussed before, and maybe we'll get it or something 
> like it at some point, but it really wouldn't help much with 
> idiomatic D. The average D program does a _lot_ less with 
> classes than a language like C# does. Most stuff is done with 
> structs on the stack - especially with range-based programming. 
> That's not to say that certain types of programs couldn't 
> benefit from such syntax, but it's going to be a lot less 
> common than it is with C#. But it's also pretty trivial to 
> write a helper function that does the same thing if you really 
> want a short-hand way to do it.

That's not the only use case. Recently I'm using Algebraic pretty 
often and I really wish that this would work: 

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