A Case for Oxidation: A potential missed opportunity for D
patric.dexheimer at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:57:00 UTC 2018
> and non-template-only Phobos.
> unless they are using betterC (undefined reference to
> '_d_arraycopy')?
Are you sure about this?
//flags: -betterC -noboundscheck
void main()
import core.stdc.stdlib;
int[] x = ( cast(int*) malloc( int.sizeof * 10 ) )[0 .. 10];
int[] y = ( cast(int*) malloc( int.sizeof * 10 ) )[0 .. 10];
import std.algorithm : map;
x.map!( x => x * 2 );
x[] = y[];
//compiles and works ok.
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