Thinktank: CI's, compiler lists, and project automation

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Sat Mar 3 15:22:07 UTC 2018

On 2018-03-03 07:39, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:

> Certainly a possible approach, but has downsides:
> - Maybe there's a simple setting I've overlooked, but when a build job 
> fails on travis, the author does not get proactively notified. The 
> author only finds out next time they go into travis. (I've been 
> surprised many times to discover failed builds that had occured several 
> days ago, or more.)

You should get an email notification about failed builds [1] [2],

> - A project author will still need to: 1. Actively notice new compiler 
> releases and 2. Manually update the .travis.yml files for each of their 
> projects. Certainly there's room for more automation here.

No. If you specify "dmd" (without any version) in the list of compilers 
[5], it will build the latest version. For example, this build [3], 
which ran 23 hours ago uses DMD 2.078.3, while this one [4], 29 days 
ago, uses 2.078.2. As you can see on the commit in Travis CI, it's the 
same commit.

> - Except when "nightly" is desired, this leads to many unnecessary 
> redundant builds/tests, especially across all the various D projects. 
> (Though I don't know how much that would matter on travis. Maybe it'd be 
> a drop in their bucket.)





/Jacob Carlborg

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