dip1000 state

carblue invalid at posteo.net
Sat Mar 3 19:20:07 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 3 March 2018 at 02:12:28 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 3/2/2018 10:07 AM, carblue wrote:
>> I generally already used -dip1000 since DConf2017 and it 
>> served me well, until about 2 month ago, "by accident" code 
>> was committed to std.uni that broke my builds, see issue 
>> #17961. I invested a lot of time to fix this by PR 6041.
>> The current state is: I don't know any reason why it doesn't 
>> get (can be?) merged and now it languishes on page 2 of 3 of 
>> PRs and Walter started a new PR 6212 recently after my PR is 
>> ready for weeks. In total 4 of my -dip1000 related PRs are 
>> stuck and mostly for unknown or arguable reasons.
> For reference, I submitted:
>   https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/6212
> which I remarked was puzzlingly different from your PR:
>   https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/6041
> I would appreciate your advice on that as well.
> I was unaware of your PR. Sometimes, it's worth while to make 
> some noise if you're feeling overlooked.

I just want to get a problem solved, as soon as possible, and 
std.uni breaking -dip1000 builds happens since at least 
2017-11-02 (https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17961), 
seemingly sleeping for 2.5 month until I assigned myself in 
bugzilla willing to fix this issue.
If there is duplication/overlapping in PRs from several people, 
so what, it just happens - while not as effective as I would like 
D processes to be.

The point I wanted to make here is, that the longer a PR is 
languishing (farer from PR stack's top), the more likely dup-PRs 
will be and in this case even PRs marked "Blocking Other Work, 
Bug Fix" being overlooked.
In my situation of growing frustration about 4 stuck, espec. 
https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/6204 and 
https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/6041 (out of 8(9) submitted 
-dip1000 PRs; #6195 is known to possibly not being wise to merge 
unchanged), PR 6212 came along, You analyzed puzzling 
differences, I commented on that 8 days ago and since then 
nothing changed from my perspective:
Now, 4 months after opening 17961, it's still unfixed and 
possibly not fixed with the next release.

It's as simple as: I want my time invested being of any value, 
and if another PR solves a problem better than my solution and 
gets merged: Fine and I'll learn from that.

Andrei said at DConf2017 sys. panel talk: He intends to be "nice" 
when NOT saying: This xy-PR won't make it into dlang. To the 
contrary I explicitly want "negativ/refusal" feedback as well and 
I feel, retaining this is not "nice". We learn from our faults 

> Both Andrei and I are way overloaded, and I generally defer
> to Andrei to watch the Phobos PRs.

I know and like Your unobtrusive way to point to overload. I 
consider delving into dmd code. Perhaps that might once help 
taking some load from Your shoulders.
Sorry for the missing linkages.

> For reference, here are your open PRs:
> https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pulls?q=author%3Acarblue+is%3Aopen
> You've had 4 others that were pulled in the last month; you 
> haven't been totally ignored:
> https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pulls?q=author%3Acarblue+is%3Aclosed
> I do appreciate the work you're doing to get -dip1000 working 
> with Phobos. It's important!

That's pleasant to hear from the language author, and frankly, I 
didn't cast doubts on that concerning You, once You take notice, 
but mostly others are dealing with the PR processing.

I can say, I very much appreciate the D language, Andrei's and 
Your work and pushing DIP1000 even against a wall of 
indifference. I believe the latter is changing (now) and the 
sooner - howsoever - #17961 get's fixed, people can use/try 
-dip1000 again.

-dip1000 compilabe phobos is pretty close - as You say - and 
finalizing helps taking more bricks out of the wall.
Okay, I'll give it another try to push that.

carblue, Carsten Blüggel

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