D and C++ undefined reference when namespace
contact at markus-lanner.com
Thu Mar 8 15:27:31 UTC 2018
I got the following c++ code [lib.cpp]:
namespace ns_a
class class_a {
void some_function(class_a*) {;}
and the following d code [main.d]:
extern (C++, namespace_a) {
class class_a {}
void some_function(class_a);
void main() {
namespace_a.class_a instance_a;
I'm compiling lib.cpp to a shared library by:
g++ -shared lib.cpp -o libissue.so
and I'm building and linking it with main.d by
dmd main.d -L-lissue -L-L.
Then I get the error:
main.o: In function `_Dmain':
main.d:(.text._Dmain[_Dmain]+0xa): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1
When I move the c++ class_a to another namespace (eg. to
namespace_b), I'm able to compile and link!
readelf -Ws libissue.so | grep some_function
gives me
so I don't see any issue. Any idea what I'm missing? I guess some
linker flag when compiling libissue.so
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