D and C++ undefined reference when namespace

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 8 19:00:40 UTC 2018

On 3/8/18 1:56 PM, Markus wrote:
> You are right.
> $ dmd -c main.d
> $ nm main.o | grep some
>                   U _ZN4ns_a13some_functionEPN4ns_a7class_aE
> $ nm lib.o | grep some
> 0000000000000000 T _ZN4ns_a13some_functionEPNS_7class_aE
> But when i merge the main.d and other.d I get
> $ nm main.o | grep some
>                   U _ZN4ns_a13some_functionEPNS_7class_aE
> I tested dmd (2.079.0), gdc and ldc2. All got the same result. Which 
> makes me think, that it's not a bug, but a "feature" :)

Ah interesting. What it looks like is that the symbol for the namespace 
is considered different between the two files in D-land, but they have 
the same name in C++-land. So it thinks it's not a back reference, but 
really it should be.


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