D course material

Meta jared771 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 17:20:57 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 12:39:24 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> Hi, folks!
> I’m testing waters for a D course at one University for first 
> time it’ll be an optional thing. It’s still discussed but may 
> very well become a reality.
> Before you ask - no, I’m not lecturing and in fact, I didn’t 
> suggest D in the first place! Academics are finally seeing 
> light in the gloom of 1 year OOP in C++ course having 
> underwhelming results.
> Now to the point, I remeber Chuck Allison (pardon if I 
> misspelled) doing D lectures at Utah Valley University, here:
> https://dconf.org/2014/talks/allison.html
> There is also Ali’s book. But anything else easily adoptable as 
> course material?
>> Dmitry Olshansky

Honestly I'd recommend TDPL. It's got a lot of good real-world 
examples, including some OOP ones, but more importantly examples 
that demonstrate concurrent programming, generic programming, 
procedural, and I think a few functional examples as well. 
Basically, it covers a very broad area in one book while also 
teaching you D.

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