OT: Behaviour of Experienced Programmers Towards Newcomers

psychoticRabbit meagain at meagain.com
Sat Mar 17 07:45:07 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 07:16:22 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> Unfortunately, we do periodically have folks act like that 
> around here, but fortunately, for the most part, it's folks who 
> don't stick around long, and our regular posters are generally 
> well-behaved.
> - Jonathan M Davis

yeah I agree 100%

the people that actually know stuff around here, are NOT the 
people that treat others badly.

I have certainly worked in environments where the opposite is 
true. I usually left them pretty quickly. Life is short.

I've also trained sysadmins myself, and I can say, that holding 
back the sarcasm takes a real personal committment - to just not 
doing it.

Once you make that committment, it becomes easier and 
easier...and soon enough, you're back to treating people the way 
they deserve to be treated.

ultimately, its a personal choice, to treat people properly, or 

I don't think it's a 'community' thing. treating people properly 
is not dependent on any sense of being in a 'community'. so here 
I differ with the view in that article.

(having said that, not all sarcasm is meant to offend. the best 
of friends can throw sarcasm at each other, and still be the best 
of friends).

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