D beyond the specs
greentea at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 20:55:18 UTC 2018
On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 20:17:17 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> ... A small group, drawn to do something for intrinsic reasons
> starts to create something. And they get no face because it
> seems completely unrealistic and in truth the odds are very
> much against success. But they create something excellent
> because they care about intrinsic reasons and not social
> factors. And some people start to take notice, but it's still
> more or less a fringe but interesting project. And it stays
> that way until the world changes, and changes in a way that
> looks obvious with hindsight but nobody really expected at the
> time. At that point what's important changes and the project
> starts to become popular. Then people more ambitiously than
> intrinsically motivated start to be drawn by what's now obvious
> and the project starts to be popular, and yet with that
> popularity comes a change in its nature and sometimes people
> think back to the old days. ...
Just like the Linux project - started by a Finnish guy.
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