CTFE ^^ (pow)

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 01:38:35 UTC 2018

On 18 March 2018 at 18:29, rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
> On 19/03/2018 2:21 PM, Manu wrote:
>> On 18 March 2018 at 18:11, rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d
>> <digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
>>> For those not in the know, Manu is special.
>>> He is in essence a use case for D himself.
>>> We really should be trying to make him happy in terms of blockers.
>>> It's just good business sense.
>>> Shame we can't throw money at him, he would have great ROI value.
>> Haha!
>> I tried to mitigate coming across that way, and express myself in
>> terms of patience and frustration, which I think is probably something
>> a lot of people here can relate to.
>> Sure, there's no reason for anyone to care about my opinion, but I
>> have truly spent years investing in D, and strategies and attempts to
>> integrate it into my work *professionally*. Doing company
>> demonstrations, training colleagues, attempting small projects as
>> proof of concept, etc.
>> That's all I care about. I have hobby projects like everyone, but what
>> I *really* care about, is getting to the point where I can write D
>> code professionally in my field of work.
>> I also think I work in one of the prime fields where D has so much to
>> offer... but we also have an unusually high bar-to-entry.
> Your entire reply is reason to care about your opinion :)
> I'm not alone in thinking that you're a very valuable community member.

I'm not though... I'm a noisy whingey one that never actually gives
anything back!
I'm just a stubborn mule that's constantly trying to fight my way
through my next hurdle.

I think maybe my lessons are of some value, and I've been a forcing
function for a few important developments.
If I were to start over again today, I might have different
experience, thanks to a relative increase in ecosystem maturity
compared to when I started.

> Perhaps you can have a chat with a member of DLF about getting a list of
> issues for you figured out?

I've influenced more than I feel is reasonable with respect to my
results. I've mostly failed, and not through lack of trying. There are
lots of people here now who are having way more success than I have.
I might do that if I could maneuver my workplace into a position where
they were to consider a serious investigation again.

I still want x^^y to work though! :P

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