CTFE ^^ (pow)

nkm1 t4nk074 at openmailbox.org
Mon Mar 19 04:30:54 UTC 2018

On Monday, 19 March 2018 at 02:56:32 UTC, Norm wrote:
> +1024 bytes
> I think D is a terrific language worthy of all the praise it 
> gets and it is way way more stable than it was 3yrs ago. But 
> the attitude of submit a PR if you want it fixed works very 
> much against D. Like it or not these forums are a front page on 
> the D marketing campaign.

But do you know that? Maybe without that attitude fewer PRs would 
have been submitted. Perhaps that attitude works, just doesn't 
work well enough for your purposes. But maybe without that 
attitude D would've been even less suitable for you?

> a) We're not in the business of developing and maintaining D, 
> but it seems that is what we would need to do as a company. We 
> are better off with C++ and Python.
> b) D feels like C++ did back in the mid 90's. A time when we 
> avoided templates and often the STL because compiler 
> implementations were too buggy. We are better off with C++ and 
> Python.

So you rejected D because of compiler bugs, missing tools, etc., 
not because of nasty attitude of some people on the forums? Fair 
enough, and it's entirely possible that DMD (or whatever) is not 
good enough for you, but what makes you think that improving the 
attitude would do anything to fix bugs? Only PRs can do that.

Anyway, as far as I can tell, when people answer to complainers 
"send a PR or GTFO", they're just telling it like it is. Ignoring 
the reality won't make it stop being the objective state of 

> D claims to be "Industry Proven and Ready" but we have to 
> submit PRs
> or get special treatment from Walter to use it effectively? 
> Sorry, but
> this is why many feel that D is still just a hobby project.

D doesn't "claim" anything, it's just a programming language. 
Some people claim some things, it's your job to determine how 
true their propaganda is.
Also, what is wrong or unworthy about hobby projects? Pretty sure 
my hobby (which is not hacking on DMD) is a lot more important 
(to me) than your medical company ;)

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