"mydll" sample from C:\D\dmd2\samples\d\mydll\ doesn't compile. DMD 2.079.0, Windows 7

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 08:44:15 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 08:30:54 UTC, Vitalii wrote:

> In earlier version 2.073.3 of DMD compiler 32-bit version of 
> "mydll" builds successfully, but 64-bit get the same error 
> messages as above. I use 64-bit path settings. DMD compiler 
> version 2.079.0, Windows 7 Pro (6.1, build 7601: Service Pack 
> 1).

-m64 uses the MS linker, not Optlink. You don't need /IMPLIB for 
that unless you intend to change the default name for the 
generated import library. This should build a 64-bit DLL for you:

dmd -m64 -ofmydll.dll -L/DLL mydll.d dll.d

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