#dbugfix 17592
Adam D. Ruppe
destructionator at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 13:55:16 UTC 2018
On Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 08:49:11 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
> Step 1. Make `emplace` @nogc
> So we need to attribute `std.conv.emplace` as @nogc.
No, do not do that! `emplace` is ALREADY `@nogc` when given
appropriate arguments. Adding the explicit annotation will limit
its flexibility without enabling any new uses.
This compiles right now:
import std.conv;
class Foo {
this() @nogc {}
@nogc void main() {
char[__traits(classInstanceSize, Foo)] buffer;
`emplace` is `@nogc` if the constructor it calls is `@nogc`.
The real bug with nogc and things like emplace are the error
messages. They should tell you the item in the call chain where
@nogc is NOT inferred. So if the ctor there was not annotated
right now it says:
Error: @nogc function D main cannot call non- at nogc function
Well, it should say:
Error: @nogc function D main cannot call non- at nogc function
>> emplace was not inferred because it calls non- at nogc
function `Foo.this()`
That supplemental bit with the >> indicates the ACTUAL reason
nogc failed. Change that and the rest of the call tree becomes
nogc automatically.
I seem to remember filing this to bugzilla sometime but bugzilla
search is so unbelievably bad I can never find anything on there
so idk for sure.
But this error message change would be my #1 request for nogc.
It'd keep others from chasing false leads.
> Step 2. Make `destroy` @nogc
> `destroy` simply calls `rt_finalize` in the runtime, at least
> for classes. I declared it as `@nogc` in the code above, but
> that's a cheat, though I think `rt_finalize` can be made
> `@nogc` in the runtime.
This cannot be proven at compile time since it calls destructors
based on a dynamic type which may or may not keep the nogc
Of course, dtors that gc allocate are usually broken anyway...
but it isn't a compile time guarantee in the current language and
a library change cannot fix that alone.
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