D, Parasail, Pascal, and Rust vs The Steelman

Martin Tschierschke mt at smartdolphin.de
Wed Mar 21 16:08:07 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 12:52:19 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> An article comparing the above languages as per the DoD 
> language requirements [0].
> http://jedbarber.id.au/steelman.html
> [0] - 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steelman_language_requirements


Do you understand this:

>7H. Formal Array Parameters. The number of dimensions for formal 
>array parameters must be specified in programs and shall be 
>determinable during translation. Determination of the  subscript 
>range for formal array parameters may be delayed until 
>invocation and may vary from  call to call. Subscript ranges 
>shall be accessible within function and procedure bodies without 
>being passed as explicit parameters.

>Subscript ranges are not accessible in D or Rust.

I do not understand the meaning of "subscript ranges"? Isn't this 

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