understanding Auto-Test

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 22 01:51:49 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 01:46:08 UTC, John Belmonte wrote:
> I'm trying to understand why my pull request was queued in D2 
> Auto-Test for only 2 of 8 tests, with the remaining left in 
> pending state.
> https://auto-tester.puremagic.com/pull-history.ghtml?projectid=1&repoid=1&pullid=8051
> Since there are pending tests, I'd expect it to appear in the 
> standard priority pull queue under "Has passes".
>   https://auto-tester.puremagic.com/pulls.ghtml?projectid=1
> What I'm I overlooking?
> Kindly,
> --John

I believe what happened is a different PR was merged.  When a PR 
is merged, all tests are invalidated, and the autotester begins 
testing them again.

There is also a priority affecting which PRs get tested first.  
Those that are labeled with "AutoMerge" are given a higher 


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