rvalues -> ref (yup... again!)
where at is.this
Tue Mar 27 20:25:36 UTC 2018
On Tuesday, 27 March 2018 at 07:33:12 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 March 2018 at 00:30:24 UTC, Rubn wrote:
>> On Monday, 26 March 2018 at 14:40:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
>>> C++ T&& (Rvalue reference) -> D T
>> Not really, in C++ it is an actual reference and you get to
>> choose which function actually does the move. In D it just
>> does the copy when passed to the function.
> It doesn't copy.
It copies the memory, so it does 2 memcpy's in the sense where as
C++ only calls its move constructor once.
>> So you can't do this in D.
>> void bar(T&& t)
>> {
>> // actually move contents of T
>> }
>> void foo(T&& t)
>> {
>> bar(std::forward<T>(t)); // Can't do this in D without
>> making another actual copy cause it isn't a reference
>> }
> You can most definitely do this in D:
> void bar(T)(auto ref T t) {
> // T is a ref for lvalues, by value for rvalues
> }
> void foo(T)(auto ref T t) {
> import std.functional: forward;
> bar(forward!t);
> }
> More to the point:
> import std.stdio;
> struct Foo {
> ubyte[] data;
> this(int n) {
> writeln("ctor n = ", n);
> data.length = n;
> }
> this(this) {
> writeln("postBlit n = ", data.length);
> data = data.dup;
> }
> }
> void foo(T)(auto ref T t) {
> import std.functional: forward;
> bar(forward!t);
> }
> void bar(T)(auto ref T t) {
> writeln("bar: ", t.data[0]);
> }
> void main() {
> bar(Foo(10));
> auto f = Foo(5);
> f.data[0] = 42;
> bar(f);
> }
> The output is:
> ctor n = 10
> bar: 0
> ctor n = 5
> bar: 42
> Notice the lack of "postBlit" in the output. No copies were
> made. In D, by value *does not* mean copy. And given that,
> contrary to C++, the compiler doesn't write the postBlit
> constructor for you, you'd only ever get copies if you
> implemented it yourself!
Well for starters your code is wrong. You are calling bar()
instead of foo().
D has hidden implementation details, from your perspective it
looks like it isn't doing any copying from the high-level
viewpoint, but from the low-level viewpoint your object has been
copied (moved memory) multiple times.
struct Foo {
ubyte[1024] data;
void foo(T)(auto ref T t) {
import std.functional: forward;
Foo gfoo;
void bar(T)(auto ref T t) {
import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
move(t, gfoo);
void main() {
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 3104
lea rax, [rbp + 16]
lea rdi, [rbp - 2048]
lea rcx, [rbp - 1024]
mov edx, 1024
mov rsi, rcx
mov qword ptr [rbp - 2056], rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rax
mov qword ptr [rbp - 2064], rcx
call memcpy at PLT <--------------------- hidden copy
Then the other copy is in move() to gfoo. That hidden copy will
happen for every additional function call you try to pass Foo
>> What's a concrete example that you would be required to know
>> whether a const& is a temporary or not.
> To know whether or not you can move instead of copy. If it's a
> temporary, you can move. If it's not, you have to copy. Since
> temporaries bind to const T& in C++, you might have a
> temporary, or you might have an lvalue. Since you don't know,
> you have to copy. To support move semantics, C++ got T&&, which
> lvalues can't bind to. So if you have a T&&, you know it's
> about to go away and a move is possible.
> In D, if it's ref then it can't be a temporary. If it's a value
> then it can, and it gets moved.
D already has move semantics, an easy solution to this is to just
use another keyword. It doesn't have to bind to const ref to get
what is desired:
// what was suggested in the original DIP, since scope is being
used for something else now
void foo(@temp ref value)
Now you don't have this problem. You only get this behavior when
you basically say you don't care whether it is a temporary or not.
So what's your problem with it now ?
>> I've come across a few pains of such. It make be easier to use
>> but it comes at a performance hit. In part binaries become
>> huge because of how "init" is implemented.
>> struct StaticArray(T, size_t capacity)
>> {
>> size_t length;
>> T[capacity] values;
>> }
>> Copying the above structure copies unnecessary data for any
>> move/copy operation. Eg when length = 0, it'll still copy
>> everything. This includes initialization.
> This is that rare type for which moving is the same as copying.
> In that case (assuming it gets copied, see my reply to Manu),
> pass by ref. You won't be able to pass in temporaries, but I
> think that's a small price to pay for not having rvalue
> references.
> In this case specifically, I don't know why you wouldn't just
> slice it when passing to functions.
> Atila
This wasn't an example for rvalue references. This was an example
illustrating the negative results of the current "pain-free"
system. I have a 100 mb binary, 90 mb of that come from a single
structure. I mean sure you don't really have to worry about
implementing move constructors and such but it is far from being
pain free, that's what that was suppose to illustrate.
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