rvalues -> ref (yup... again!)
where at is.this
Fri Mar 30 02:47:49 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 20:22:47 UTC, Dgame wrote:
> On Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 20:05:48 UTC, Rubn wrote:
>> On Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 19:11:30 UTC, Dgame wrote:
>>> Just to be sure it does not got los: You know that you can
>>> avoid the temp/copy if you add one method to your struct, yes?
>>> ----
>>> import std.stdio;
>>> struct Big {
>>> string name;
>>> float[1000] values;
>>> this(string name) {
>>> this.name = name;
>>> }
>>> @disable
>>> this(this);
>>> ref auto byRef() inout {
>>> return this;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> void foo(ref const Big b) {
>>> writeln(b.name);
>>> }
>>> void main() {
>>> Big b = Big("#1");
>>> foo(b);
>>> foo(Big("#2").byRef);
>>> }
>>> ----
>>> That works like a charm and avoids any need for rvalue
>>> references. Just add it as mixin template in Phobos or
>>> something like that.
>> Doesn't work with built-in types like float.
> Why would you want to use a float as a rvalue reference?
In templates to avoid template bloat with auto ref.
>> Just adds bloat for operators like opBinary if you want that
>> to be ref.
>> foo((a.byRef + b.byRef * c.byRef).byRef)
>> // vs
>> foo(a + b * c);
>> It's kind of funny all this talk about allowing temporaries to
>> bind to refs being messy, yet you can already bind a temporary
>> to a ref in a messy way using that.
> Yeah, it is a bit messy. It is not perfect, but is does avoid
> any temp var!
> Let's look at a Vector2f example with the following opBinary:
> ----
> auto opBinary(string op)(ref const Vector2f v) {
> return Vector2f(mixin("this.x" ~ op ~ "v.x"),
> mixin("this.y" ~ op ~ "v.y"));
> }
> void foo(ref const Vector2f v) {
> writeln(v.x, ':', v.y);
> }
> foo((Vector2f(2, 4).byRef + Vector2f(4, 6).byRef).byRef);
> ----
> Since opBinary needs to be a template, you can combine my
> solution with auto ref:
> ----
> auto opBinary(string op)(auto ref const Vector2f v) {
> return Vector2f(mixin("this.x" ~ op ~ "v.x"),
> mixin("this.y" ~ op ~ "v.y"));
> }
> void foo(ref const Vector2f v) {
> writeln(v.x, ':', v.y);
> }
> foo((Vector2f(2, 4) + Vector2f(4, 6)).byRef);
> ----
> That is cleaner. :)
Just adding more template bloat and it is still messy, it's not
like we are trying to find a work around to a problem. A solution
already exists, the cleaner syntax you'd get with rvalue
references (along with better compatibility with C++ and other
benefits) can't be beat.
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