IFTI for constructors worth a DIP?
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 30 13:02:52 UTC 2018
On 3/30/18 2:25 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 06:21:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>> I think it should be mostly stright-forward and we can get rid of
>> “instantiator” functions to do IFTI.
>> The problem (I guess) is 2 type parameter lists, one of aggregate and
>> the other of function:
>> struct Foo(T)
>> if (isSomeSuch!T)
>> {
>> this(U)(T a, U u) if (isSomethindElse!U) {...}
>> this(R)(T x, R r) if (yetAnother!U){ ... }
>> }
> More interesting case...
> struct Foo(T)
> {
> alias K = T.K;
> this(K k) { .... }
> // same
> }
> In general it might be impossible (if we throw in more static ifs on T’s
> type) but well IFTI is not 100% solution anyway.
>> I believe in such a case compiler can as far as IFTI goes just
>> consider a combined tuple of types.
>> Thoughts?
The easy way to test these is to see what IFTI does now:
import std.traits;
template foo(T)
if (isIntegral!T)
void foo(U)(T a, U u) if (isSomeString!U) {}
void main()
foo(1, "hello");
onlineapp.d(11): Error: template onlineapp.foo cannot deduce function
from argument types !()(int, string), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(3): onlineapp.foo(T) if (isIntegral!T)
Your second case:
struct Foo(T)
alias K = T.K;
this(K k) { .... }
// same
I can't see at all how this would work, as there may be infinite types
for T that have an alias K that matches.
However, a simpler case:
template foo(T)
alias K = T;
void foo(K k) {}
void main()
onlineapp.d(4): Error: undefined identifier K
onlineapp.d(10): Error: template onlineapp.foo cannot deduce function
from argument types !()(int), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(1): onlineapp.foo(T)(K k)
So it appears IFTI wouldn't be up to the task if there are aliases
involved, or nested templates. But the simplest cases it does work with:
import std.traits;
template foo(T, U)
if (isIntegral!T && isSomeString!U)
void foo(T a, U u) {}
void main()
foo(1, "hello");
A class/struct ctor (where the constructor itself isn't a template)
isn't any different, I can't see why it wouldn't work.
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