Sealed classes - would you want them in D? (v2)
Piotr Mitana
the.mail.of.mi2 at
Thu May 17 11:56:51 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 02:32:07 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:
> I propose an idea, for discussion (robust discussion even
> better ;-)
> Add an new attribute to class, named 'sealed'.
> No, not sealed as in Scala.
> No, not sealed as in C#
> sealed as in oxford dictionary (close securely, non-porous).
> when sealed is applied on the class, this means the class is
> sealed.
> the sealed attribute only makes sense within a module, and
> affects nothing outside of the module.
> When sealed is applied to the class, then, interfacing to a
> class within a module, from code outside that class - but still
> within the module, can now only occur via the published
> interface of the class.
> outside code in the module, can no longer directly access your
> private parts!
> The class is sealed.
I don't think that "sealed" is the right name here. Currently C#
has its sealed and Scala has its sealed - and these are different
things (although I don't code C# and may be wrong, it seems like
C#'s sealed is Java's or D's final). I believe that giving
"sealed" keyword yet another sense in D is not the right approach.
Furthermore, I don't believe that the proposed version of sealed
would be a widely-used feature that broadens the language
capabilities. It solves the problem that - as discussion in my
thread shown - some people consider valid, and some not.
My opinion is that it's not worth a new keyword and time for
implementing. In the same manner you could ask for removing
friend concept from C++ as a bad concept. I don't answer the
question whether this concept is good or bad - just give an
example. The difference is that you can just go without friend at
all, and module-level private is forced.
The other reason I don't think it is a feature significant enough
is kind of library level. I expect that only author or limited
team of people will freely modify the code of module. So there is
limited number of people that have a control over the module and
it shouldn't be a big deal not to refer to private fields outside
the class or define it as a team rule. I believe that a nice
approach here would be to add a check to DScanner, so that your
editor or IDE could optionally warn you if you refer to the
private member from outside the class. But as module is a small
unit and its code should probably be controlled/verified by the
limited number of people, I don't see this as a big deal.
Note that Scala-like sealed from my proposal would have a greater
impact (it blocks inheritance outside the module - helps to
prevent the library code from being used in a way it is not
designed to) and your proposal changes things in a very limited
OFC, I am not a "compiler person", nor Walter, Andrei and anyone
from the team, so my opinion is definitely not decisive in any
way :)
To sum up [TLDR]: I don't see your arguments strong enough to
alter the language (especially make a cross-language confusion
over the "sealed" keyword), but DScaner check would still allow
to track down what you consider bad.
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