Found on proggit: simple treap language benchmark, includes D

Nerve nervecenter7 at
Sun May 20 15:30:37 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 15:09:38 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> D does well, comes in second on Mac/Win/linux:

The results in these tests are blazing fast, but they all forego 
the GC for manual allocation.

In the Issues section of the repo, I included some simple, 
vanilla D translated from their Java implementation and made for 
use with the GC and runtime. I also included some raw sample 
times that are competitive with desktop i7 times of Rust and 
ref-counted C++ on...get this...a much slower laptop i5.

This sort of thing needs to be shouted from the rooftops by the 

I'll see if I can get it included so they can test it on their 
specific setup.

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