Sealed classes - would you want them in D? (v2)

Bjarne Stroustrup bj at
Wed May 23 02:23:31 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 13:33:12 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
> On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 03:10:39 UTC, Bjarne Stroustrup 
> wrote:
>> Any debate about restoring the rights and autonomy of the 
>> class, should not be killed off.
>> Any programming language that discriminates against the class, 
>> encourages class warfare, does not deserve to be called a 
>> programming langauge.
> Knock it off with the hyperbole language already, this is a 
> programming language not a civil rights movement.

Wow! there is a generation that just simply has no sense of 
humour any more.

We really are doomed.

I have a right to say, that D is a programming langauge that 
discriminates against the autonomy of the class. You have a right 
to disagree.

How? By allowing anything to penentrates it's private parts.

This is NOT why I created C++ - just so you programmers could 
violate an objects autonomy!

No other type gets treated this way in D.

You write a function - you have to pass parameters in, and the 
function body determines the output.

You have an int - you can only do clear specified operations on 

Ohh.. but a class...'s not actually a type anymore, in D.

D programmers need to move on, from just focusing on algorithms, 
and start thinking about architecture too, becaue a type that 
cannot encapsulate itself, is useless in software architecture.

That's not hyperbole - that's a plain, simple fact of the 
evolution of software architecture.

Get out of your tree's and see the real world.

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