extend foreach to work on non-arrays

Neia Neutuladh neia at ikeran.org
Fri May 25 04:31:54 UTC 2018

On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 03:24:32 UTC, IntegratedDimensions 
> Show me where I asked you to do any work for me.

The subject of your post is in the imperative. It's a command.

People who just have an idea that they want to discuss but aren't 
actively proposing as a change tend to communicate that 
explicitly. They say something like "what do you think about this 
idea?" or "would anyone find this useful?" or "soliciting 

At any rate, if you're just looking for whether anyone else 
thinks it would be useful, the answer seems to be no.

> You are an imbecile. Just trying to stir up trouble because you 
> obviously don't know how to read. You didn't like my response 
> and so you are being a dick... simple as that. I'm sure you 
> will get your supporters... some dicks like to other dicks.

I've first-hand experience with moderation on this forum: nothing 
public, at most a private email from Walter or Andrei.

This does a terrible job of setting expectations of community 
behavior. It makes it look like there is no moderation at all. I 
have no idea whether the moderation I experienced was unique or 
standard -- do most people not even get a warning? If someone is 
rude to me, are they tolerated while I am rebuked?

I hope that policy changes.

>> This is not an impossibly huge request, but it isn't trivial 
>> by any means. There are two socially acceptable ways to get 
>> people to implement something you want: convince them it's 
>> worthwhile, or pay them.
> Um, no, it is trivial.

The relevant code is here:

If, looking at it, you still think it's trivial, then you must be 
considerably better at this than me. And have a much firmer idea 
in your head of how this feature would work than you've told us.

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