Parsing D files with non-unicode characters
Arun Chandrasekaran
aruncxy at
Wed Nov 7 04:43:19 UTC 2018
On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 01:19:17 UTC, Roland Hadinger
> On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 00:48:34 UTC, Arun
> Chandrasekaran wrote:
>> Thanks! Can't we preserve the comments? Comments are
>> invaluable, especially on the headerfiles. We generate
>> documentation using doxygen.
> If by 'preserve' you mean 'keep the non-UTF-8 encoding as-is',
> then no, what I suggested wouldn't work.
This did the trick. It uses to
determine the character set.
for dir in $(find <DIR> -name include -type d); do
pushd $dir
for file in $(ls); do
iconv -f $(uchardet $file) -t UTF-8 $file > t
/bin/mv t $file
# if the encoding is SHIFT-JIS iconv converts \ to ¥. Restore
it back.
sed -i 's,¥,\\,g' *
# convert .h to .d file
dstep $file
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