It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?

sighoya sighoya at
Wed Nov 14 20:41:59 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 15:07:46 UTC, lagfra wrote:
> * Modules

Not really, what C++ only will achieve is to leave out header 
files but no name spacing is supported due to backward 
C++ modules aren't mapped to directories/files as it is in Java, 
still you get fu**ed with the wonderful C/C++ toolchain of cmake, 
make and bash.

>D will get type-manipulation abilities which are much more 
>efficient than what you can do with templates

In which regard?

>Sometimes I find myself wishing that types were first-class 
>compile-time "variables"

Types as values would be a nice option as can be seen by idris or 
the zig language.

>e.g., append a type to an array of types from inside a foreach 
>loop, which is much more readable (and writable!) than a 
>recursive template that you have to use today.


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