It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?

Nicholas Wilson iamthewilsonator at
Sat Nov 17 08:47:45 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 17 November 2018 at 01:00:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
>> > LOL. Walter's comment at dconf this year that he wished D 
>> > had const as the default definitely makes me that much more 
>> > leery of D3 ever arriving, since I increasingly avoid const 
>> > in D.
>> So you're essentially going back to D1? ;-)
> In terms of const? You read my article on it, so you should 
> know where I stand on it. I don't think that either C++ or D 
> got it right, but I also don't know what const would look like 
> if it were done right.

 From the viewpoint of an ignorant outsider (i.e. me), Scala's
`var` (mutable)/`val` (immutable) strikes me as the closer to it.

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