How high level is D?

NoMoreBugs NoMoreBugs at
Thu Nov 22 00:14:40 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 16:48:29 UTC, Neia Neutuladh 
> NoMoreBugs and their 4-5 other aliases are extremely annoyed at 
> D's `private` being private-to-the-module, like a third of 
> programming languages, instead of private-to-the-type, like a 
> different third of programming languages. It's apparently far 
> too much work to put a type in a different module from code 
> that shouldn't be able to access its private members.

Actually, I pointed this out for a reason.

(1) - it's just plain fact (i.e. the private state of a class, 
within a module, is not really private at all)

(2) - its' completely unlike what a C++/Java/C# programmer would 
expect (the 3 most widely used languages).

If (2) weren't also fact, I would not feel inclined to mention it.

Your constant attacks on me for not liking D's leaking class 
abstraction is a reflection of *your attitude* towards me. But my 
statement is factually correct. Better to know that upfront than 
to discover it by mistake, as many seem to do - me included.

Please let me enlighten newcomers so that they understand D, 
without being constantly attacking for doing so, by people like 
you. What is your motive for doing so anyway?

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