It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?
Dave Jones
not at me.again
Thu Nov 22 09:44:34 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 04:40:37 UTC, NoMoreBugs wrote:
> On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 04:18:25 UTC, Laeeth Isharc
> wrote:
>> I didn't insult you or attack you, but simply observed that
>> your means weren't suited to your seeming ends and explained
>> why. It's really your choice as to what to make of one
>> perspective on the effectiveness of your behavior.
> Your posts (which are there for anyone to read) sought to
> undermine an opinion that I expressed, by explicitly
> encouraging others who read that opinion to not take it
> seriously, and to just ignore it, simply on the basis of
> whether or not I was really part of the 'D community' and one
> of the 'committed users of D'.
> If that is not a personal attack, what is?
That's not what he did. He commented on what you said, he didn't
personally attack you.
> And is that really the threshold for stating an opinion on
> these forums?
You can say what you want no problem. But if you want people to
listen to you then usually you have to earn that, it's normal
human behaviour. We put more and less value on what people say
for a variety of reasons.
> As I said, next time, you can save yourself a lot of typing,
> and just type "Wow".
Laeeth is a nice guy, he tries to politely engage with newbies
and ease them into a more broad minded understanding of how
things are around here (by here I mean the cosmos). I think he's
wasting his time but he's a nice guy so he keeps trying.
> In the 2 weeks so far, I've been accused (by a select few -
> always the same few though) of being a 'non-contributor', of
> misrepresenting facts, and being a socket puppet.
You are a non contributor.
You have misrepresented things (at the least Laeeth's last post)
You might be a sock puppet. I am, although Im a sock puppet of a
sock puppet of a sock puppet. In fact it's socks all the way down
> Welcome to the D forum.
Welcome to the internet dude. Chill out, stop taking everything
personally. And get to grips with the fact that D is a community
effort, most people have their own furrow to plough, there aint
really anyone here who's job it is to tuck the newbies in at
Also you have to accept that like who the fuck are you? i mean
really, you pop up, weird name, anonymous, easily offended (like
how old are you?), cant handle people disagreeing with you, and
you still expect people to value your opinion in spite of all
Look mate most people will ignore you, some of the nice guys will
try to be nice to you, some of the bored loonies will poke you to
get a reaction.. (wait thats me!), but at the end of the day wtf
do you expect?
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