Clojure and Pull Request Controversy

welkam wwwelkam at
Thu Nov 29 15:26:16 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 28 November 2018 at 00:12:15 UTC, Walter Bright 
> It seems we're not the only group struggling with this issue.

Because people are people. Now we can leave it at that or maybe 
take Jocko Willink approach of extreme ownership. If my PR would 
stall it would be my fault because I didnt put enough effort in 
making it easy to review. A PR reviewer should look at the same 
situation and say to them self "its my fault that this PR dint 
get merged or closed because <insert reasons here>

If a person submits a change that core team didnt wanted then 
they should think that its their fault for not communicating 
clear enough.

I didnt found good clip of him talking about this stuff but found 
other that might be useful for leaders.

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