Funny way to crash dmd and brick the whole computer

Basile B. b2.temp at
Mon Oct 1 10:18:48 UTC 2018

On Monday, 1 October 2018 at 09:24:18 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
> On Friday, 28 September 2018 at 11:58:25 UTC, Zardoz wrote:
>> CTE fib :
>> module fib_cte;
>> import std.stdio;
>> long fib(long n) {
>>   if (n <= 1) return 1;
>>   return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
>> }
>> static immutable valueFib = fib(46);
>> void main() {
>>     writeln(valueFib);
>> }
> don't try to compile this one linux:
> ```
> void main(){  asm{ db cast(ubyte[]) "é"; }  }
> ```

Actually no, it's an IDE issue triggered by this code.

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