Yet another binding generator (WIP)

evilrat evilrat666 at
Mon Oct 1 13:51:10 UTC 2018

Early access program is now live!
Limited offer!
Preorder until 12.31.2017 BC and you will receive* unique pet - 
"Cute Space Hamster"!
*(Limited quantity in stock)

Ok, enough BS...
So here is my personal tool for generating extern(C)/extern(C++) 
I know there is several other tools exists, but this one is mine.
Currently it is in early pre-pre-pre-alpha stage, and is probably 
doesn't even work on any somewhat serious codebase. Might not 
work on Linux, or Mac, or just any non-Windows 10 OS.
There is example output in the repo, and the list of current 
features and known issues.

So what it can actually do?
Might work to do C conversion without manual editing, but in 
practice C stuff use a lot of defines as constants, so you will 
have to find them and write by hand, not convenient, true.
Might work with basic C++ headers without much of 

Give it a try and let me know if you find something that is not 
on the limitations list, I will add it to the list, and everyone 
will be happy again!

p.s. no, it is not belongs to the announce group, as the tool 
itself is still far away from being truly useful, but it might 
accelerate your binding making process as well, for example 
making bulk of code output and then manually adjust some stuff 
once per month isn't that much effort comparing to doing 
everything by hand, not even mentioning doing it on per month 


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