Writing a Linux driver in the D ecosystem

Eduard Staniloiu edi33416 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 12:06:48 UTC 2018

Hello, everyone!

We, here at UPB, were thinking if it would be possible to write a 
simple Linux driver.
The long term goal would be to port an existing driver in D.

We were wondering if anyone attempted to do this.
There are several questions:
  * how can we build a driver using dmd/gdc/ldc?
    * how should the makefiles be changed
    * Is gdc the best option to create an object file that can 
link with the existing objects (that were generated by using gcc)?
  * if everything goes well, how can we insert the generated 
module? Would/Should it just work with insmod?

We believe this is an interesting bachelors thesis project.


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