The State of the GUI
Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa)
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at
Wed Oct 24 07:29:58 UTC 2018
A few notes:
1. I would caution against necessarily conflating "current direction of
trends" with "the future."
2. I would caution against viewing "what the future holds" as a single
entity to be guessed at and later revealed, rather than as "what we, the
creators, CHOOSE for it to be."
3. Transitively, I would caution against conflating "current direction
of trends" with "what we, the creators, should be doing." We're the
developers. We're the creators. Leave the bandwagon-chasing and
circular-tail-sniffing-fests to the MBAs.
4. I would caution against taking myopic, self-absorbed
corporate-interest motivators (such as "our branding before the
platform's branding") as higher-priority than *THE USER'S BEST INTEREST*
when creating a product *FOR THE USERS TO USE*.
5. In any endevour of creation, at some point, you have to ask yourself:
"Who is this being creating for? For myself/ourselves, or for the people
who we HOPE will actually CHOOSE to use it?" Maybe the answer really is
door #1 instead of door #2, but if so, that's when we know it's time to
retire the "creator" hat, don an overpriced suit, go to MBA school, sit
in a padded office, and stay far out of the way of those under you who
have REAL expertise and REAL work to do.
6. I've noticed that your entire several-page post and you're entire
argument regarding user-interface decisions makes absolutely ZERO
mention whatsoever of THE USER (aside from misusing the term "UX" to
mean "GUI API"), let alone ANY attempt at analysis whatsoever of what is
better or worse for a user.
Summary: This is exactly what's wrong with technology.
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