synchronized - shared but actually useful

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at
Fri Oct 26 13:21:50 UTC 2018


On Tuesday, 23 October 2018 at 08:56:39 UTC, FeepingCreature 
> Disadvantages:
> * inability to generate giant forum debates (fingers crossed)

I consider the point proven, but the downside of being unable to 
generate giant flamewars is that you eventually drop off the 

I really think the shared viewpoint on thread-owned data and how 
to move data from thread to thread is very alien to how thread 
safety is handled in practice. In practice, a lot of data is 
shared; I would argue a large fraction of *all* mutable data is 
shared, and access is protected using synchronization in the 
owning class. That is, objects, not threads, are the owners and 
overseers of mutable data.

Whatever solution for thread safety we arrive at should account 
for this.

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