Static foreach bug?
soma at
Mon Sep 3 18:03:18 UTC 2018
On Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 19:42:20 UTC, bauss wrote:
> unmaintainable piece of code:
> ```
> final class ClassName : SoapBinding, Interface
> {
> public:
> final:
> this()
> {
> super();
> }
> import __stdtraits = std.traits;
> static foreach (member; __traits(derivedMembers, Interface))
> {
> mixin
> (
> mixin("(__stdtraits.ReturnType!" ~ member ~ ").stringof")
> ~
> " " ~
> member ~
> "(" ~
> mixin("parameters!" ~ member) ~
> ") { /* Do stuff ... */ }"
> );
> }
> }
> ```
Sorry to disrupt your threat, but as a lurking in this forum
using D for small projects, and after looking such snippet my
first impression is how D is getting polluted and becoming more
like Java and C++.
"final class", "public final this", "super"...
And of course this is just the beginning, other attributes:
"inout", "@disable", "@system".
And keeps funny when names are somewhat 'synonymous': "shared",
or like these 3: "@safe", "@trusted", "pure"
or like these 2: "const", "immutable".
And the list goes on and on...
For beginners (Or even average programmers) it would be "very
nice" to not confuse them.
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