DIP25/DIP1000: My thoughts round 2

Chris M. chrismohrfeld at comcast.net
Tue Sep 4 22:59:48 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 16:36:20 UTC, Nick Treleaven 
> Rust's lifetime syntax is noisy - the scope name is repeated, 
> and why require a name if it's usually not given a meaningful 
> one (`a`)?
> Rust is more limited semantically due to unique mutability, so 
> it may have different requirements for function signatures to 
> D. (I think they recently tweaked the rules on how lifetimes 
> can be inferred).

As I was typing this up I was thinking about how Rust's rules 
with how an object can be borrowed would affect it, but I can't 
think of any examples off the top of my head.

> My syntax for parameters that may get aliased to another 
> parameter is to write the parameter number that may escape it 
> in its scope attribute:
> On Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 05:14:58 UTC, Chris M. wrote:
>> void betty(ref scope int*'a r, scope int*'a p) // okay it's 
>> not pretty
> void betty(ref scope int* r, scope(1) int* p);
> p is documented as (possibly) escaped in parameter 1.
>> void betty(scope int*'a r, ref scope int*'a p)
> void betty(scope(2) int* r, ref scope int* p);
> I think my syntax is lightweight, clearer than Walter's 
> `return` for void functions PR, but just as expressive as your 
> examples.

I wouldn't disagree, it's much cleaner than what I had.

>> int*'a frank(scope int*'a p) { return p; } // basically id()
> I'd keep `return scope` for p.

That's true, it'd also allow your other syntax to be fitted over 

> There's also:
> void swap(ref scope(2) T a, ref scope(1) T b);
> swap(r[0], r[1]);
> Arguments to a,b must have the same lifetime. Without support 
> for this, we might need to use e.g. `swapAt(r, 0, 1)` instead 
> of indexing throughout range algorithms.

That's a good example.

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