Messing with betterC and string type.

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Thu Sep 6 16:50:01 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 16:24:12 UTC, SrMordred wrote:
> alias string = String;

For the rest of this module, any time you write `string`, the 
compiler sees `String`. But inside the compiler, it still thinks 
of its own string, hence the confusing looking error messages.

> struct String{
>     this(string x){}
> }

And this is going to be seen as

this(String x) {}

instead of what you wanted. Try

this(object.string x) {}

which MIGHT work, or

this(immutable(char)[] x) {}

which will work - immutable(char)[] is what object.string 
actually is (and the compiler will often use that - 
immutable(char)[], the proper name - and string, the 
user-friendly name, totally interchangably).

> My question is, i´m breaking something else, or this could be a 
> valid approach?

It is valid as long as you keep the names straight. Though it 
won't be as cool as you think because D doesn't do implicit 
construction, so

void foo(string s) {}


won't compile, since it won't make a String out of that 
immutable(char)[] literal without an explicit initialization of 
some sort.

You could, of course, just do a wrapper function or whatever, but 
really I think you are better off just trying to work with 

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