Variant is just a class
Neia Neutuladh
neia at
Fri Sep 7 18:18:50 UTC 2018
On Friday, 7 September 2018 at 03:04:19 UTC, Josphe Brigmo wrote:
> We are talking about two different things that are related:
> A variant holds a set of objects. Using VariantClass limits the
> types to a subset and allows for inherited types to be added.
Algebraic!SomeInterface should allow anything that inherits from
that interface (possibly with an explicit cast).
> Why this is better is because it allows objects that may not
> have been inherited from some interface in the
> design(pre-existing).
OOP is better when you don't trust people to implement types
correctly and you want them to get errors at the proper location
when they get it wrong.
Structural typing is better when you don't trust people to
implement types correctly and you want to make things easier on
yourself when they don't.
They're both useful. Most of the time, you're dealing with your
own types. Sometimes, you need a type you don't control to
implement an interface.
the default way of making structural typing work in D is with
templates. You can also auto-generate a wrapper type.
> Cool, I will check it out. It seems it would allow
> DuckingVariant to be created.
It would allow you to make a wrapper type that works with a wide
range of types. It's probably worse on average than writing a
template to create a wrapper class that implements the interface
you need.
I mean, the wrapper is pretty much (untested):
class Wrapper(Interface, Wrapped): Interface
Wrapped wrapped;
static foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, Interface))
static foreach (overload; __traits(getOverloads, Interface,
mixin(`ReturnType!Overload ` ~ method ~
`(Parameters!overload params)`
return wrapped.` ~ method ~ `(params);
And now you don't need a VariantClass!SomeInterface, just
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