This is why I don't use D.

Nicholas Wilson iamthewilsonator at
Sat Sep 8 13:28:53 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 16:50:32 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Again, this strongly suggests the idea I've mentioned a few 
> times now: *all* packages on needs to be run 
> through a CI tester, and success/failure to compile should be 
> reported back to somehow.  Then in the search results 
> and in the package's home page, there should be a 
> prominently-displayed notice of which compiler versions work / 
> don't work with the package.
> This gives users the information they need to make the right 
> decision (e.g., the last known compiler that compiles this 
> package is 2.060, so don't bother, move on.).
> And this *must* be automated, because nobody has the time or 
> energy to manually test every package against every known 
> compiler release and manually update  And doing 
> it manually tends to quickly get out of date, not to mention 
> the chance of human error.
> T

How would this work for packages that cannot be built by DMD? Or 
that have no CI infrastructure but are maintained? *cough* 
DCompute *cough*

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