Debugging mixins - we need to do something

tide tide at tide.tide
Sun Sep 9 03:02:41 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 9 September 2018 at 00:58:15 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
> Obligatory "Bugzilla issue?".

Obligatory "it already exists and has exited for X amount of 
years" (4 in this case).

As with most issues in bugzilla, no one has so much as made a 
comment on it or any other kind of activity.

Oh another one from 2008, 10 years ago.

At least this one has someone adding to the issue, is Bill Baxter 
still around? Then 6 years later, someone says they want the 
feature and 2 years after that the guy that made the other issue 
adds a comment. Followed by 4 years of nothing. This just about 
describes Dlang's bug tracking as accurately as it gets.

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