phobo's std.file is completely broke!

Josphe Brigmo JospheBrigmo at
Fri Sep 14 19:42:39 UTC 2018

On Friday, 14 September 2018 at 19:17:58 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> On Friday, 14 September 2018 at 19:06:14 UTC, Josphe Brigmo 
> wrote:
>> For very long file names it is broke and every command fails. 
>> These paths are not all that long but over 256 limit. (For 
>> windows)
> Please file a bug report with reproducible examples if you 
> believe it's a bug.

It's a bug, but how the hell can I reproduce examples when it 
depends on the file system? Do you want me to make a VM image and 
upload that too?

dirEntries(elem, SpanMode.shallow))

also fails. I've changed all my code over to using executeShell 
and everything works except that now I can't even iterate over 
directories that are too long.

This is ridiculous!

"It doesn't matter. When I compile a program or DLL in C/C++ and 
many other languages, I use the Windows headers. These headers 
define MAX_PATH to 260.
So the program will have the limit set by compile time, no matter 
what you do in the OS later on. There is no advantage with this 
setting for now, except that you now *may* pass long paths to API 
functions w/o the infamous \\?\ prefix, but you have no guarantee 
for it.

So to make this have the advantage that some people think it will 
provide, we'd need:

     wait until the Windows headers (in Visual Studio, or the DDK, 
or the Platform SDK or whatever) is properly updated, i.e. the 
runtime libs may take advantage of it
     wait until MS forces this setting to be enabled all the time, 
otherwise it's useless when it stays optional
     not checking any more for the target OS in the application, 
assuming Win 10 with the mentioned update

The latter will only be the case when an app can't target an 
Windows version below 10. So all in all it will take years until 
we get the advantage for standalone applications, and for TC 
these things don't matter for now anyway.

enum size_t MAX_PATH = 260;


Seems this is the problem! What a great failure scenario! How 
bout at least check if the filename is larger than max path?

Seesh, the more I use D the more I regret it.

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