phobo's std.file is completely broke!

Rubn ifoorget at
Sat Sep 15 13:23:34 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 15 September 2018 at 12:59:25 UTC, Josphe Brigmo 
> This is the typical mindset with D. There are all these "minor" 
> problems that people(the D community pretends are all that big 
> a deal but when you couple all these problems together it 
> results in a very unpleasant programming experience(out of all 
> the languages I've programmed in D is about the worse in this 
> regard).

You keep saying you regret using D, well let's go to C++ then. 
How are you going to solve this problem with C++?

It's a problem that can be worked around, if you are using the 
latest version of Windows it can be fixed by simply setting a 
registry entry. Then **all** your applications on your system 
will work with long file names.

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