Jai compiles 80,000 lines of code in under a second

aliak something at something.com
Fri Sep 21 13:37:58 UTC 2018

On Friday, 21 September 2018 at 09:21:34 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
> On Thursday, 20 September 2018 at 23:13:38 UTC, aliak wrote:
>> Alo!
> I have been watching Jonathan Blow's Jai for a while myself. 
> There are many interesting ideas there, and many of them are 
> what made me like D so much in the first place. It's very 
> important to note that the speed claims he has been making are 
> all a matter of developer discipline. You can have an infinite 
> loop executed at compile-time in both D and Jai. There's 
> nothing magical Jai can do about that - the infinite loop is 
> not going to finish faster ;) You can optimize the speed of 
> compile-time computation just like you can optimize for 
> run-time speed.

Haha well, yes of course, can't argue with that :p I guess it 
makes more sense to compare the "intuitive" coding path of a 
given language. Eg: if I iterate a million objects in a for loop, 
because i want to process them, there is no other non-compile 
time way to do that. If language X takes an hour and language Y 
takes a millisecond, I'm pretty sure language X can't say it 
compiles fast, as that just seems like a pretty common-scenario 
and is not using the language in any way it was not meant to be 

> What your observing with D is that right now many libraries 
> including Phobos have tried to see how much they can push the 
> language (to make for more expressive code or faster run-time) 
> and not as much time has been spent on optimizing compile-time. 
> If you take a code-base written in Java-like subset of the 
> language, I can grantee you that DMD is going to very 
> competitive to other languages like C++, Go, Java or C#. And 
> that's considering that there are many places that could be 
> optimized internally in DMD. But overall most of the time spent 
> compiling D programs is: a) crazy template / CTFE 
> meta-programming and b) inefficient build process (no parallel 
> compilation for non-separate compilation, no wide-spread use of 
> incremental compilation, etc.). AFAIR, there were several 
> projects for a caching D compiler and that can go a long way to 
> improve things.

Ah I see. Ok so there's quite a bit of big wins it seems 
(parallelization e.g.).

> On the other hand, there are things that are much better done 
> at compile-time, rather than run-time like traditional 
> meta-programming. My biggest gripe with D is that currently you 
> only have tools for declaration-level meta-programming 
> (version, static if, static foreach, mixin template), but 
> nothing else than plain strings for statement-level 
> meta-programming. CTFE is great, but why re-implement the 
> compiler in CTFE code, while the actual compiler is sitting 
> right there compiling your whole program ;)

Yeah I've always wondered this. But I just boiled it down to me 
not understanding how compilers work :)

> P.S.
> Jai:
> loadExecutableIcon(myIcon, exeLocation)
> D:
> static immutable ubyte[] icon = import("image.png).decodePng;

Si si, but i believe the loadExecutableIcon actually calls 
windows APIs to set an icon on an executable, and they'd probably 
@system which means I don't think that could be done in D.

> (In D you have read-only access to the file-system at 
> compile-time using the -J flag.)
> [0]: https://github.com/atilaneves/reggae

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