Updating D beyond Unicode 2.0

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Sun Sep 23 21:12:13 UTC 2018

On 9/22/2018 6:01 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> For better or worse, English is the international language of science and
> engineering, and that includes programming.
In the earlier days of D, I put on the web pages a google widget what would 
automatically translate the page into any language google supported. This was 
eventually removed (not by me) because nobody wanted it.

Nobody (besides me) even noticed it was removed. And the D community is a very 
international one.

Supporting Unicode in identifiers gives users a false sense that it's a good 
idea to use them. Lots of programming tools don't work well with Unicode. Even 
Windows doesn't by default - you've got to run "chcp 65001" each time you open a 
console window. Filesystems don't work reliably with Unicode. Heck, the reason 
module names should be lower case in D is because mixed case doesn't work 
reliably across filesystems.

D supports Unicode in identifiers because C and C++ do, and we want to be able 
to interoperate with them. Extending Unicode identifier support off into other 
directions, especially ones that break such interoperability, is just doing a 
disservice to users.

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