D web site and accessibility
jj_1337 at live.dk
Tue Sep 25 11:39:09 UTC 2018
On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 08:49:13 UTC, Chris wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 06:01:58 UTC, bauss wrote:
>> On Monday, 24 September 2018 at 03:50:57 UTC, Vladimir
>> Panteleev wrote:
>>> On Monday, 24 September 2018 at 03:16:50 UTC, Bauss wrote:
>>>> like the use of b tags on the front page, they should be
>>>> replaced by strong tags
>>> The two usages of <b> are part of the presentation, not
>>> content. Their use is correct.
>> And also representation should generally be done with <span>
> It's more important how the screen reading software parses and
> represents it to the user. Screen readers build their own DOM
> in the background. So don't get lost in semantic details that
> may have no bearing whatsoever on accessibility. I remember
> that a while ago "<em>" was not supported by all browsers,
> that's why devs opted for "<b>" or "<span style='font-weight:
> bold;'>" (which is the one I prefer).
> Usually, if a homepage is marked up normally in bog standard
> HTML, then users of screen readers have no problems reading the
> content. Problems may arise when it comes to things like code
> examples that are somehow handled by JS or the like.
> I'd say you start testing the general examples, the language
> specs and the library documentation. If they're not accessible,
> then a visually impaired user cannot use D.
> This said, I was working with a blind person a couple of years
> ago (I think it was 3 years ago) and he used D for one of his
> assignments, he never had a problem with the documentation.
Yes I agree to an extend, but if a browser doesn't support <em>
(All does by now though.) then you could still support it
technically with css.
The "not supporting" is really just the browser not having
default styling for it which you can do with css, that's why
things like angular material etc. have their own tags that aren't
standard tags, but are still represented with styles that
resemble what the tag is. Of course there are exceptions like
<md-button> will become <button> etc.
I'm probably just nitpicking though, but if you care about
accessibility then you should follow all standards, no exceptions
or at least try to.
It might not be a bottleneck in this case and probably won't make
much of a difference, but yah. Some screenreaders might actually
interpret <b> as <strong> etc. which will also make it a
misrepresentation in this case, because it's supposed to just be
a presentation and not emphasised text.
So in my opinion either it should be emphasised the correct way
using <strong> or <em>, or it should be <span> tags with styling,
just like you showed with font-weight.
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