food for thought - swift 5 released - bottom types, string interpolation, and stuff.
aiueo at aiueo.aiueo
Tue Apr 16 12:11:32 UTC 2019
On Sunday, 14 April 2019 at 02:20:22 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 14.04.19 02:42, mate wrote:
>> [...]
> Probably not. What would be the trigger for that?
I would think that having an isOdd() is… odd. It seems so trivial
and short that I would suspect something different.
>> [...]
> Maybe. However, often, the quickest way to make the thing I was
> working on work with sufficient code quality is not actually to
> implement the missing standard library functions, even though
> it would have been easier with those functions there. (E.g.,
> compute the thing with a a few for loops instead of with a more
> elegant and readable range-based solution.) I'll consider
> writing some libraries in the future, but right now I don't
> really get enough of my productive time to work on projects I
> already started, such as getting better tuple support, and I'd
> really prefer obvious omissions to be in the standard library.
> I see that scan has finally been added, but I'm a bit
> disappointed it was called cumulativeFold.
I understand. I did not mean to suggest you to start a new
project. I am already grateful for the contributions you made to
dlang, thank you.
> Here, I was mainly objecting to the general idea that functions
> that are simple to implement in terms of a few other
> functions/built-in operators have no business being in the
> standard library. (This has come up before.) It's not even
> consistently applied in Phobos. E.g., there is max and min even
> though they are trivially implemented in terms of each other by
> switching around the comparison predicate, but it would clearly
> be ridiculous to require this by arbitrarily picking one over
> the other. On the other hand, we have until, but not takeWhile,
> even though it is more common to want to specify the kinds of
> elements that you like instead of a condition on the first one
> that you don't want.
I see. I was not arguing for the minimum set by removing
reciprocal functions though. What would be your criteria for
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