function vs. delegate in a unittest
Bastiaan Veelo
Bastiaan at
Sun Apr 21 20:41:17 UTC 2019
On Sunday, 21 April 2019 at 08:52:40 UTC, Manfred Nowak wrote:
> On Sunday, 21 April 2019 at 06:39:37 UTC, rikki cattermole
> wrote:
>> static void func() {
> thy for the hint, that one can use `static' to virtually lift
> the definition of a function up to the local root of the
> hierarchy, which makes my oversimplified argument invalid for
> unittests.
> But this seems not to solve the underlying problem:
> unittest{
> void f (){}
> static void fs(){}
> struct S( T){
> T* f;
> this( T)( T fl){
> f= fl;
> }
> }
> //auto sf = new S !( typeof( f ))( &f );
> auto sfs= new S !( typeof( fs))( &fs);
> }
> Under dmd 2.085.1 this code compiles.
> But replacing the comment slashes by white space gives an error:
> cannot implicitly convert expression
> [...] delegate [...] to function [...]
> So that's not a problem of unittests but of templates?
This works:
void f (){}
static void fs(){}
struct S( T){
T f;
this( T)( T fl){
f= fl;
auto sf = new S !( typeof( &f ))( &f );
auto sfs= new S !( typeof( &fs))( &fs);
And regarding "requiring coders to manage different versions for
both types of functions": there is std.functional.toDelegate, so
if you just support delegates, that is enough -- unless you care
about @safe.
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