DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Community Review Round 1
Nick Treleaven
nick at geany.org
Thu Aug 1 06:50:32 UTC 2019
On Wednesday, 31 July 2019 at 09:25:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Copying c to d will increase the ref count and so it will be
> safe.
As Olivier said, c and d are just class references to the same
class instance, so there is only one instance of Array, a ref
count would still be 1.
This problem can also happen with slices, here's a simplified
struct that shows the problem and disables the struct postblit:
struct S
private byte* data;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
this(byte b) @trusted
data = cast(byte*)malloc(1);
*data = b;
@disable this(this);
ref byte get() @trusted return
return *data;
~this() @trusted
if (data) free(data);
void maybe_bad(ref S s, ref byte i)
s = S(); // frees s.data
void main()
auto s = S(5);
// DIP error: Can't pass multiple mutable references owned by
maybe_bad(s, s.get());
//auto t = s; // S is not copyable
auto c = new C;
c.s = S(4);
auto d = c;
// not detected by DIP
maybe_bad(c.s, d.s.get());
auto a = [S(3)];
auto b = a;
// not detected by DIP
maybe_bad(a[0], b[0].get());
class C
S s;
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